2023.05.12 輔仁x中原 景觀設計教育研討會



【2023景觀設計教育研討會圓滿結束 探索創意教學與地景環境設計】


2023年5月12日訊 —由輔仁大學景觀設計學系邀請中原大學地景建築系共同參與,於本校濟時樓國際會議廳主辦「2023景觀設計教育研討會」圓滿結束。本次研討會邀請了香港恒生大學藝術學系許焯權教授,以及中原大學劉為光教授進行專題演講,專注探討當前景觀設計領域的最新趨勢和發展方向。下午場次舉辦輔仁大學景觀系與中原大學地景建築系的教師們進行交流講座,現場公開展出兩校各年級學生優秀景觀設計作品,為參與師生提供了景觀設計教育互動與分享交流的平台。










May 12, 2023 – The Department of Landscape Architecture of Fu Jen University invited the Department of Landscape Architecture of ChungYuan University to participate in the "2023 Landscape Architecture Education Seminar" hosted at the International Conference Hall of Jishi Building. Professor Desmond Hui from the Department of Fine Arts of Hang Seng University in Hong Kong and Professor Liu Weiguang from Chung Yuan University were invited to give keynote speeches, focusing on the latest trends and development directions in the field of landscape architecture. In the afternoon, teachers from the Department of Landscape Architecture of Fu Jen University and the Department of Landscape Architecture of ChungYuan University held exchange lectures, and the excellent landscape design works of students of all grades of the two universities were publicly exhibited, providing a platform for participating teachers and students to interact and share in landscape design education.


At the opening ceremony, Professor Wang Yingzhou, Vice President of the University, and Professor Xu Meiling, the parent of the School of Arts, visited and guided the seminar, which injected vitality and brilliance into the seminar. Subsequently, Professor Desmond Hui, Department of Art, The Hang Seng University, Hong Kong, discussed the importance of creative teaching in cultivating students' unique thinking and design skills on the conceptual practice of art, design and creativity teaching. Professor Liu Weiguang of Chung Yuan University shared his methods and experience in cultivating students' participation and social responsibility in landscape design education with the topic of "Thinking and Practice of Participatory Landscape Design Education".


In the afternoon session, Director Huang Wenshan from the Department of Landscape Architecture of Fu Jen University and Professor Wang Yuguang from the Department of Landscape Architecture of Chung Yuan University shared the design curriculum structure and content of each grade. These lectures focus on the sharing and discussion of students' work, allowing participants to further understand students' creative and professional achievements.


This seminar provides a valuable academic exchange platform for participants. Participants not only gained insight into the latest developments in the field of landscape architecture, but also had the opportunity to interact with experts and peers from a wide range of sources. Through this exchange and sharing, they are able to broaden their thinking, broaden their horizons, stimulate creativity and build more rewarding partnerships.


The Department of Landscape Architecture of Fu Jen University would like to express its heartfelt thanks to the Department of Landscape Architecture of ChungYuan University, the teachers and students of the two departments and all the guests for their enthusiastic participation and support, and for their contributions to the success of this seminar. The two departments will continue to promote landscape architecture education, stimulate more innovative thinking, and cultivate more internationally competitive landscape design professionals.





輔仁大學景觀設計系於2023年5月12日(星期五)舉辦《2023 景觀設計教育研討會》暨優秀學生景觀設計作品觀摩展。此次活動旨在促進景觀設計教育的交流與合作,並展示學生優秀的設計作品。






日期:2023.05.12 (五)
地點:輔仁大學濟時樓九樓 國際會議廳



- 上午場  景觀設計教育理論與實踐講座 -
09:00 報到、開幕典禮
09:30 專題演講一:藝術、設計與創意教學的概念性實踐(許焯權教授/香港恆生大學藝術設計系主任)
10:40 專題演講二:大學社會責任引導地景環境規劃的思考與實踐(劉為光副教授/中原大學地景建築系)
11:40 綜合討論

- 下午場  景觀教育中的跨領域思考和垂直整合 -
13:00 景觀設計教學分享一:兩系一、二年級設計課程(主持人:黃文珊主任/輔仁大學景觀設計系)
15:00 景觀設計教學分享二:兩系三、四年級設計課程(主持人:王光宇主任/中原大學地景建築系)
16:30 頒發優秀學生作品獎狀
17:00 散會


《2023 景觀設計教育研討會》暨優秀學生景觀設計作品觀摩展成為一個極具啟發和交流的平台,為參與者們提供了一個共同學習和成長的機會。該活動將有助於推動景觀設計教育的進步,促進學術界之間的合作與連結,並鼓勵學生們在景觀設計領域發揮創意和創新。






